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Valued patnership
Valued partnerships

The People We Like to Do things With


The Student Union at the Faculty of Engineering (Teknologkåren vid LTH) organises, through the affiliation Dokt (Doktorandsektionen), the doctoral students admitted to third cycle education at the Faculty of Engineering. To ensure that Dokt and LDK are aligned in respective organisations pursuit to influence third cycle education at Lund University, LDK not only cherish this important collaboration partner but continuously discusses issues to make sure that the student unions, and not the University, sets the political agenda for improving third cycle education at Lund University.


Lunds universitets studentkårer (LUS) promotes students' interests in a variety of areas, primarily focusing on services for first and second cycle education, with some activities pertaining to third cycle education discussions as well. LDK views LUS as an important collaboration partner.  LDK participates in regular LUS meetings, which thus provides an additional forum to meet with representatives of first and second cycle student unions at Lund University.


The Swedish National Union of Students (SFS) is a national collaboration between 47 student unions at universities and places of higher education throughout Sweden. Through its members, the organisation represents approximately 275 000 students of whom many are doctoral students.

Relevant organisations
Relevant organisations

The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers, SULF, is the union for professionals within university and college education.


If you have worked for the government and fulfill certain requirements you are entitled to support from the Job Security Foundation (Trygghetsstiftelsen). This is a work benefit for those in government employment, through the collective agreement. It is Trygghetsstiftelsen's job to support you on your way to finding a new job.


Everyone working in Sweden with a general work permit is covered by unemployment insurance. However, A-kassa members have the opportunity to receive payments based on their income. Click on the link to learn more.


You can turn to Lund University's Occupational Health Service for work-related medical, psychological and ergonomic advice. Its services are free of charge for any University employees.

Decisions that  have been made

Lunds doktorandkårs Governing Documents

Even though Lunds Doktorandkår first and foremost is made up of people and their ideas, these ideas are expressed through documents that governs our day to day business.

For the Academic Year 2022-2023

Revised 2022

For Academic Year 2022-2023

DOMB Case Report

For Academic Year 2021-2022


LDK Archive

Lund's Doctoral Student Union
Lunds Doktorandkår

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Visiting Address: Sandgatan 2 - AF-Borgen, 3rd Floor


Postal Address: Sandgatan 2, 223 50 Lund / University Internal Mail Service: HS 31

©2023 by Lunds doktorandkår

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